I am grateful for the inspiration my friend received to have this Activity for our Young Single Adult Gathering. Although I could not comprehend the effect it could have on me then, I still knew this was something worth trying. As a young single adult who just returned from serving the lord as a full-time volunteer, I could see my lamp flickering now and then. I needed something more than just the oil. It felt like I did not know where to start at all. But then, this Activity, where we Young Adults gathered together, prayerfully reconsidered our lives and our Discipleship of Christ and jotted down the things we need to focus on, one at a time, starting with the foundational or basic holy habits like saying a meaningful prayer every day, expressing love to our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ in simple ways we could make a huge difference.
Writing it on the Banner and displaying it was a constant reminder and a way for us to be open about our progress each time we think of or view the picture we took with the 'Title of Liberty'.
There is no better or more honest introspection or inventory we could ever have than with ourselves and the Holy Spirit! This activity was an absolute kickstart to fix my flickering lamp, which is now slowly and steadily learning to forgo a few things and gain others, thereby giving more bright light as much as possible. I loved the activity.

I know Christ wants us to be the radiance of hope, love and charity to us and all of His other children! I am so grateful for the many chances we have to pick ourselves up and try yet another time and for the divine help we always have to become what we could be!
When I was serving as a full-time volunteer in New Delhi during COVID-19, our morale was low; we were unsure how to be effective as full-time volunteers during this difficult time. President William presented the idea of the Title of Liberty from the story of Moroni in the Book of Mormon to inspire us in our work. We made a banner for the whole mission. It was simple yet efficient; it focused on the action plan for our time left. I would say it was our battle plan. We jotted down that we would keep the commandments, make the area stronger than we found, and so on. This made a big impact. Elder Rasband, who was visiting us then, signed the banner and recommitted himself to follow these ideas. He took a picture of us standing by it, framed it and gave us each a copy to put on our study table.
Now, I am back home serving in my home branch as a Young Single adult representative. I realised the young adults needed an action plan, so sister Beneeta and I devised this idea. We introduced the scripture verse in 1 Timothy. At the district YSA gathering, we asked them what they would want to commit to in their lives and what standards they wanted to keep. Many of the young single representatives responded with their ideas of what they would do, for example, daily personal study, meaningful daily prayer, and being our brother's keeper. We made each person write their commitment on the cloth and use their fingerprint in paint to 'sign' the banner. We took a group photo of all who were involved in the making of the banner. We encouraged them to take a personal photo with it and make it their wallpaper on their phone so that every time they looked at their phones, they would be reminded of their promise to keep the banner of the Coimbatore Title of LIBERTY in their mind.