Tithing -  A practice that became a cornerstone of our faith and trust in the Lord's provision and blessings

My fondest memory of my late dad is his dedication to tithing, even though he was not a member of our church. He faithfully paid one-tenth of his salary and calculated one-tenth of every bit of produce from our home to give to his church. He loved gardening, and we had about ten banana trees and a variety of vegetables like drumstick, brinjal, bitter gourd, beans, and other fruits and vegetables. Each time the plants bore fruit, he would calculate one-tenth and give it to the pastor, even though his church only taught regular offerings, not tithing. He even measured 10% of the rice we bought for the family and offered it to the church. From a young age, I learned the sacredness and joy of tithing through his example. This made it easy for me to follow this commandment when I joined our church and began earning money.

Even during financial crises, our family never hesitated to pay tithing. It became second nature, like breathing or eating at mealtimes. It may sound boastful, but it is simply the truth. I can explain and help you understand that my confidence in this practice is rooted in a deep appreciation and commitment.

My oldest sister, my youngest brother, and I were baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at the beginning of 1992. Although my dad was an incredibly faithful man who never failed in his duties, he fell ill at the end of 1991 and was hospitalized for a couple of months. Sadly, he passed away on March 22, 1992. It took us some time to come out of the grief of losing our father and even longer to receive his pension, which was crucial for supporting our family—a surviving unemployed widow and five children.

During this difficult period, my oldest sister, who was twenty-one, worked at an elementary school and earned about Rs. 400 per month. Until our father's pensions were sanctioned, our family of six had to rely on those meager 400 rupees to survive each month. Ten percent of that amount was significant, and it could have easily fed us for about a week. I remember my mother saying a few times that 'the Lord would understand our difficult situation; He knows that I am a widow with five children and would not require us to be exact in following the law of tithing.' Despite this, we remained committed to paying our tithing, trusting in the Lord's promises and provision.

My faithful sister was committed to pay tithing and reminded my mother that the Lord did not make exceptions. She quoted Malachi 3:10: 'Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.' She emphasized that the commandment did not exclude the Isaac family or widows and fatherless children; it applied to everyone. Likewise, the blessings promised by the Lord were also without exception. Following in our dad's footsteps, we all joyfully paid our full tithe, one after the other, as we grew up and started working. This practice became a cornerstone of our faith and trust in the Lord's provision and blessings.

Pres. Issac

Tithing Increases Faith and Trust in the Lord

When we were all worried about losing the head of our family while we were still small children in school, the future seemed bleak. However, faith replaced our fears, and we began to unconsciously grow stronger and more confident. Every month when we paid our tithing, even in our poverty, it felt like a trust fall exercise. We would bravely fall backward with unbent knees, confidently knowing that the Lord had our backs. The bleak image of the future gradually transformed into clearer visions of hope and happiness. In fact, many people started not only noticing but openly declaring that we were a blessed and a delightsome people (Malachi 3:12)

When I completed college, I decided to go on a mission. One of the major reasons for this decision was my belief that out of the 20 years of life that God had given me, I should give back two years as an offering and tithe of gratitude. As the eldest son, traditionally, I was expected to assume the family burden and support them financially right after college.

This decision was considered foolish by my non-church-member extended family, like aunts and uncles. Even though no church member or leader would have blamed me for taking on the family burden and might have appreciated me for it, I decided to offer my tithing—the two years, which was 10% of my lifetime on earth—to the Lord God of Israel.

This was not a popular decision and was frowned upon by many, but I had no doubt that the Lord would bless me and my family for trusting Him completely. The Lord indeed fulfilled His promises, and our lives were filled with unexpected blessings and opportunities, reaffirming our faith and commitment to His commandments.

Tithing Showcases and Helps realize His Grace

When I returned from my mission in September 2001, I began working as a customer support executive for Professional Couriers. My monthly income was a modest two thousand rupees. I took the job to avoid idleness after the mission and not to burden my mother. On New Year's Day, while praying and making personal covenants with the Lord—essentially my New Year's resolutions—I jokingly asked the Lord to increase my income tenfold by the end of the year.

That year turned out to be filled with unexpected opportunities and experiences. I met prominent people in Chennai and became one of the most trusted employees at my workplace. As the year progressed, I did not pay much attention to my income but continued to pay my full tithe out of habit.

During the tithing declaration at the end of the year, my branch president noticed that my income had indeed increased tenfold by December. I was awestruck and suddenly remembered the personal covenant I had made with the Lord. He had taken it seriously and fulfilled it, much like a father surprising his child on Christmas with their most desired gift.

The following year, I was chosen as one of the voices for the temple endowment session to be dubbed in Tamil. This opportunity led to the fulfillment of a childhood dream I had—a petition I had made to the Lord to one day visit the Salt Lake Temple. Although I did not have a permanent job or was married at the time, and thus lacked many of the usual qualifications for a U.S. visa, I received the visa on my first interview. I traveled to Utah and had the chance to visit not just one but many temples, marking the realization of a deeply cherished dream.

Tithing Makes your Life Beautiful

I met the most wonderful and gospel-loving woman, and she agreed to marry me. Shortly after our civil wedding ceremony, we went to the Hong Kong Temple to be sealed in the house of the Lord. The Lord blessed us with two beautiful children who are born in the covenant. Our medical bills have never been burdensome, and we were able to pay off all our debts, becoming a self-reliant family.

Although my parents struggled to pay my school fees and provide basic facilities, the Lord and my parents ensured I received a good education. Following them, I have also been able to provide a good education for my children through provident living and careful financial management. The Church's 'My Finances' Self-Reliance module and the Law of Tithing have been instrumental in this journey.

Through these teachings, we learned to manage our resources wisely, ensuring that we could meet our family's needs and provide opportunities for our children. The principles of tithing and self-reliance have helped us build a secure and blessed life, guided by faith and trust in the Lord's promises.

Tithing is a Protection Against Evil and Hardship

At my workplace, amidst many highly qualified individuals with more education and stronger connections with the CEOs and VPs—connections often strengthened by social activities like smoking and partying together during breaks, holidays, and Sundays, which I could never afford—the Lord has repeatedly proven His support for me. Just as He did for King David when he faced Goliath and declared, 'Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel” (1 Samuel 17:45).

Despite being considered a low priority for promotions and travel opportunities to foreign countries, I have experienced miraculous interventions. Human obstacles were removed, and I was chosen for promotions or travel on multiple occasions. Colleagues would sometimes plot against me to tarnish my reputation, but the Lord consistently protected me from harm and raised me up, placing me on a candlestick even when others tried to put me under a bushel (Matt 5:15).

Every place my employer sent me to travel had a temple of the Lord nearby, easily accessible from my office location. While some might call it coincidence, I see these instances as the tender mercies of the Lord. His guidance and blessings have been evident throughout my career, reaffirming my faith and trust in His plan.


Tithing Opens Windows of Heavens

From the humble streets of Adyar, the Lord lifted me, exalting me in glory, stature, testimony, and faith. He fulfills His promise to bless those who faithfully bring their tithes into His storehouse, opening the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings beyond measure. Though it may sound bold, like Ammon, I do not boast about my own strength or wisdom. Rather, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude towards God (see Alma 26:10-11). I have witnessed firsthand how diligently obeying the law of tithing invites the manifestation of divine power and fulfillment of promises. To taste the heavenly manna and witness miracles—like seas parting, walls falling, and giants conquered—we must trust and prove our diligence (see Psalms 34:8). I have tasted of the Lord's goodness and found myself blessed beyond measure for trusting in Him completely. While I may fall short in other commandments, following the law of tithing has proven to be the most straightforward path to blessings. I cherish the Lord for His abundant grace and pray for strength to always do His will. He lives, and His Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, stands as His true storehouse and kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.