Many years ago, the Mormon missionaries came to our home and taught us the answers to questions that my wife, Rekha, and I had always wondered about. They taught us why we were upon this earth, where we came from and where we will go after we leave our mortal bodies. As we prayed about these things we came to know these things to be true. This was my undeniable first witness of Gods “Plan of Happiness” and brought great joy to our lives.
My second witness came through a life-long study of the scriptures. Through those sacred writings I have come to know of God’s great love for His children. As a loving parent, he has sent us to this earth to gain a body, to learn, to grow and to be tested. But he has also prepared a way to bring us safely home to live with Him forever. To help us in this journey, He gave us the scriptures which testify of Him, answer life’s greatest questions and chart a path back into the safety of His presence. Many people read the scriptures but when we truly understand them it becomes clear that all we pass through is part of this heavenly plan to get us where we need and want to be.
My third witness came some years after I joined the Church. My wife contracted cancer and suffered for a long time with its ravaging effects. At the end, this terrible disease had enveloped all parts of her body even her mouth and she could no longer speak or take food. The night she passed away I was unable to sleep and sat with her in the dimly lit room. About 2:00 a.m. she opened her eyes and looked towards the door and said in a clear, strong voice, “Oh, you came - but I don’t want to go”. Even though she could not speak and had not spoken for a very long time, that night I saw and heard her utter those very words. She was talking to someone in the room that I could not see but that she could and was surely there. I gently got up and put her head in my arms when again she spoke and said, “O.K., I will go with you but you have to sing the hymns in English, not in Hindi”. I asked who she was talking to and she turned her head so her eyes met mine and whispered for a sip of water. By the time I had lifted the cup to her lips she had passed from this mortal life into the next.
There is no doubt that the heavenly messenger with whom she spoke that night was sent from a loving Father in Heaven to take her home. The knowledge that we came from the presence of that same loving Father in Heaven as taught by two young missionaries, the reassurance gained through the scriptures of why we are here and the sacred events of that night has reaffirmed to me life after death are the foundation of my testimony. I know that God lives and that this is all part of His great “Plan of Happiness” for His children.
Raju Massey is a member of the New Delhi 3rd Branch, New Delhi District, India
Raju Massey is a member of the New Delhi 3rd Branch, New Delhi District, India