Do you have any doubt that God is real? Do you know He leads His Church on the earth today through a living Prophet and Apostles?
The Apostle of the Lord, Elder Uchtdorf, was in Hyderabad, India ready to speak to the “Rising Generation”. An army of Young Adults gathered, eagerly awaiting his inspired message.
As the India Communication couple, we were given a simple assignment – to report on individual reactions to the words spoken that night.
The meeting began. The Spirit soared as two young adults spoke, then Sister and Elder Johnson of the Asia Area Presidency, followed by Elder Uchtdorf’s daughter, then dear Sister Uchtdorf and finally, Elder Uchtdorf.
After the closing prayer, Elder Uchtdorf descended from the podium, greeting everyone waiting to meet him.
A distinct thought came to my mind – you must speak to the sister and brother who spoke representing the Stake Young Adults.

We turned and saw Dheeraj “lost” in the crowd. He was 22 years old but only about three feet tall, physically challenged from birth. We ushered him forward towards Elder Uchtdorf. Elder Uchtdorf immediately turned his attention to Dheeraj and started speaking with him.
We saw Sister Uchtdorf with her arms around Sowdhamani, the young single sister who had spoken.
The Spirit confirmed that Dheeraj and Sowdhamani were the two souls we were to speak to and report on their stories. We had a wonderful time visiting them after the crowd dispersed and recorded their amazing stories!
At 10.02 p.m., as we were sitting in the Church lobby waiting for the rest of our team to finish their work, the call came from Elder Johnson.
Elder Uchtdorf wanted us to write the stories of the two young adults who spoke! We had already Chosen and Interviewed the two souls that He chose.
The Miracle was not over! The next morning, as I sat down to write this story, I turned to my scriptures to read the Word of the Lord first to begin my day as I started to read from the Book of Mormon.
“…if there were … revelation which was great … that I should engraven the heads of them upon these plates, and touch upon them as much as it were possible, for Christ’s sake, and for the sake of our people… Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into His rest…”1
Jacob 1:4,7