Prayer is a mighty weapon that has protected me from various perilous circumstances. I would like to share a life-changing experience of mine that has helped me to hold on to the scriptures no matter what because of my prayer.
There was a time when I had difficulty accepting the Book of Mormon. I could not believe that it was true. Having this confusion, I decided to seek help from Divine. I fervently asked God in prayer to let me know if the book is true or not. One night, I dreamt of a vision where I saw the Bible and the Book of Mormon coming closer to each other, overlapping one another’s pages, and becoming one. I was humbled to receive an answer like this in an unexpected way. Since then, I have had a testimony of my own that the Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Christ.
I have shared this experience many times, I feel very strong when I share this with my children. I know that I am instrumental in laying a strong foundation for them in terms of their faith and the power of prayer. It helps me become strong and believe that God loves me and responds every time I seek Him. This vision I had because of my prayer has motivated me to study the scriptures regularly and helped me to accept and magnify every calling I receive with all my might, mind, and strength as Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, ″Your Father in heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And He knows what you can become through faith in Him.”1
- Jeffrey R. Holland, “To Young Women,” October 2005 General Conference.