Music, whether listening, playing, or singing, helps me understand the Gospel in a better way. The words of a hymn or a primary song combined with beautiful tunes and rich music help me imagine the Gospel and the principles and doctrines. It helped me feel closer to the divine testifier and inspired me to live a gospel-centred life and do good. It motivates me to be a daughter of God, a compassionate mother, a good wife, a kind neighbour, a loving friend and an honest disciple of Jesus Christ.
'For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.' - Doctrine and Covenants 25:11-12 \ Through music, I can convey my love, pleas, pain, and suffering to my Heavenly Father, and in return, He sometimes answers me through Hymns or Primary songs. Music helps me feel peace, love, joy, assurance, inspired, led, guided and strengthened by the Lord. Singing Primary songs with my children when they were little is one of the most memorable times of my life.
Among the many of my favourite songs and hymns, one hymn that is very special to me is 'Be still my soul'. One late night as my mind was disturbed about many questions in my life, the reply came almost immediately through a hymn, 'Be still my Soul'. I rejoiced and leapt with happiness, clapping my hands silently as I did not want to disturb my family, who were sleeping in the same room. I knew my Heavenly Father answered me, and it was one of the best moments of my life.
Playing the piano has taught me to be humble and consistent in my practices, more focused and sharp enough to rectify my mistakes and practice them wisely. It taught me great lessons, not just the piano lessons but lessons for life.
Music taught me some eternal principles like ;
* Heavenly Father's love for me and all of God's children.
* Jesus Christ is the Saviour and Redeemer.
* The True Church of Jesus Christ is restored.
* The Priesthood is restored.
* We have prophets and apostles who are led and guided by the Lord Himself.
*The Plan of Salvation
* The Holy Ghost is the comforter, teacher, and testifier of eternal truths and the Godhead member.
I am grateful to God for giving me the gift of music and the opportunity to learn and serve my God and His children. I am grateful to my teacher Sister Shona Kasper who served her mission here in India, blessing many lives through music, and I am just one of them. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and watches over me; it is through Jesus Christ, the one and only, with whom I can be happy now and forever.