For a very long time just I, my mother, and my sister were the only members of the church in my family attending the mission branch. We do not have a church in Kerala, so I did not have friends who shared the same beliefs and standards. However, so much has changed in my life since I started attending online seminary classes. This has been a great blessing for my family and myself.
Being a teenager is challenging, and I feel so alone because I do not have a church to go to every week. My mother, sister and I have always been strong and been a great support to each other. We read scriptures together and say our prayers which helps us to strengthen our testimonies. Attending online seminary classes has helped me to learn the gospel and live the principles that bring me closer to Heavenly Father.
I have become a different person now as I have learned from what the people in the scriptures did in times of challenges. Their examples have taught me to be brave and strong in my testimony. I am so proud to say that because of me being faithful, overcoming challenges, attending seminary, and trying to become a better person, my father decided to be baptized. This has been the greatest blessing in my life. Now, we all as a family attend online services every Sunday and I no longer miss my father in family prayers and scripture study.
Now I have many friends who share same faith and standards. I learn a lot from them when they share their experiences in the seminary class. I am so grateful to my seminary teacher who shows me Christ-like love and helps me become closer to the Lord. I am grateful to the gospel that has programs for youth like seminary which is helping me to live the gospel each day and become a better person so that others can see my example and accept the gospel.