
Our family would have been broken into pieces if it were not for the eternal truth of the Resurrection and the restored Gospel
Our Father in Heaven loves all of His children and desires that they know and understand His plan of happiness.
I prayed with much faith and hoped to receive an answer from him, and yes, I did receive answers to my prayer through scriptures
The Lord understands all the imaginations of the thoughts
I know that when our eye is single to the glory of God, we become worthy to receive lots of blessings that are in store for us
I know that tithing is a commandment from God to help His children
The words that we receive through the prophets are from the Lord
The one precious thing that Heavenly Father will never take from us is our agency
Amidst the pandemic, my testimony is that God has done so many unimaginable things in my life, and Mission is one of the great things he made possible
My conversion into the true Church of Jesus Christ was the best thing that I have ever had in my life.
I love my God and my Savior! They are so real!
There are core truths and principles given by our Savior that will never change, but as mankind grows and environments change, so does the administration of His Church