If you want to be taught, most of the times the best teachings can come from little children. It was wonderful to see innocence and purity, covered with flesh and bones, stand to teach us during the primary parable show which happened on the 15th of August 2019 at the Ramanathpuram chapel of Coimbatore district. Around 63 children of Coimbatore 1st, 2nd and 3rd branch including the nursery were put their hands together to show their gospel knowledge to the fellow members. The idea was to have the primary children project the scriptural accounts with art work where they would not only tell us about the details or lessons in those accounts but also help us feel and physically touch their creativity in the form of paintings and drawings, stones and soil, stem and leaves, paper buildings and pillars, nails and hammer, thorns and the cross etc. The primary leaders along with their respective branch presidency worked together to prepare the topics for each child and content. Parents took active part in preparing their little ones for the show.
The stories exhibited included those of the 5000 fed with fives loaves, the parable of the sower, the plan of salvation, Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus, paintings of the days of creation, baby Jesus in a manger, the doctrine of the word of wisdom, Lay down your yoke upon the savior among others.
The room was brightly lit and tables set in a circle close to the walls. With the help of their parents behind them, the children had clearly displayed their art work, some on wooden platforms, and others on plastic or cardboard platforms. The account of Jesus holding out his hand to rescue his drowning disciple Peter, was among the exhibits. Members had fallen in line from the entrance and slowly passed the tables, stopping momentarily to see what's interesting on each and to hear the sweet small voices of these little ones as they spoke about what they had made and shared briefly what could be learned from their work. Some were a bit shy but had emotional support from their mothers. Others were outspoken and very eager to show off their speaking skills.
Among others were paintings of the days of creation, symbols of the sufferings of Christ including a hammer, nails, a whip and a crown of thorns laid across a bench, one could also see two trays of soil with thorns inside, stones and rocks depicting the parable of the sower, each element occupying a given space in the tray. As seeds that fell on good ground, the young sprouts indicated those who remain and grow in the gospel. One of the presentations was that of the Salt Lake Temple made out of cardboard with drawings of individuals praying, studying and families standing together.
You could tell a great deal of effort had been put into preparations prior to the event, from coloring, shading, designing and cutting etc.
The exhibition was a great platform for all primary children to learn by preparing to share basic principles and lessons from their selected stories. Members were excited to hear from each child as they went from table to table. Nothing short of a thrill to hear the confidence in their voices and surely a joy for their parents to see.
For everyone present, it was a spiritual experience indeed. I doubt the children involved would forget this. Some memories remain with you till your last breath. Strongly, I believe the exhibition day will be one such memory for them.