He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who for- gets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms in this life and in eternity.” 1 The Chennai district called in new presidents for the respective branches; these leaders are excited and thrilled about their new roles. When posed a couple of questions to the newly called leaders in Chennai, their answers were; How do you feel about the responsibility ahead of you? President. Karthigeyan of the Mogappair branch said, “I have a strong testimony that God is mind- ful of all His children and cares enough for us. The Lord does not discriminate against His children, whether educated or uneducated.

He looks into our pure hearts and our intention to serve, help and sacrifice for others. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle it because the responsibility is much greater and heavier, but Christ has promised in the Scriptures that He will lift us and carry us in our hard or weak times. It is a God given calling, and I must submit completely to His will. I am on a mission to serve His children in His hands.
President. Clifton of Anna Nagar Branch said, “As I prepare to take on a leadership role, I am aware of the tremendous responsibility that lies ahead. This is a time of great change, and I am honoured to have been called to serve God in this capacity. However, I am also aware that it is a heavy responsibility, and I pledge to fulfil my duties with humility, compassion, and a deep sense of purpose.
As a leader, I am called to be an example to others. This means that I must strive to live a life consistent with the teachings of Christ, and I must be willing to share my faith and experiences with others. I must be a source of support, encouragement and guidance to my fellow members of the Church and always listen to their concerns and needs.
President. Ramesh of the Tambaram branch said, “I feel humbled and grateful to accept this calling as branch president. I feel responsible as I stand in an important place to serve the children of God. My goal is to focus on all the children of God who have become inactive and to support the full-time volunteers in their service. I will do my best to win more souls for His kingdom and guide them with the principles of the gospel. I thank the Lord for this great responsibility that I hold.
If there is one thing out of many you would do to strengthen the branch and the district, what would that one thing be?
Even before this call, I wondered why members have difficulty visiting inactive or less active members or sharing the gospel with non-members by serving them. In recent years, we have heard that the number of full-time volunteers is increasing amid challenges. These full-time volunteers need the help of church members and leaders. I always seek the Lord’s help, as Alma said, “Consult with the Lord in all that you do, and he will guide you for good.”2 I would pray that our dear members would be encouraged to visit all members as Christ did. These days, Christ- like care and service are needed as the prophet advised. I know that the Lord loves and cares for us. As His children, we, too, can love and serve others by following Christ’s example. His Spirit will strength- en us on this path,” said President Karthigeyan of the Mogappair branch.

President. Clifton of the Anna Nagar branch said, “One of my most important tasks as a leader will be to foster a sense of community and belonging among our members. I will work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that is open to all who want to worship and serve God. I will encourage our members to build meaningful relationships with one another. I will seek to create opportunities for fellowship, growth and service.
Another important task I have as a church leader is to ensure that our ministering is effective. This means that we must focus on meeting the needs of our community and provide spiritual guidance and support to those who seek it. We must be proactive in addressing social and economic inequities and work to create a church that is relevant and responsive to the needs of our changing world.
Ultimately, my most important responsibility as a church leader is to serve God with all my heart, mind and soul. I must commit to living a life centred on Christ and be willing to follow His example of love, compassion, and service. I must be willing to humble myself before God and seek His guidance and wisdom in all I do. I am deeply honoured and humbled to have been called to serve God in a leadership role in the Church. I am aware of the enormous responsibility ahead of me, and I pledge to fulfil my duties with faith, courage, and a deep sense of purpose. I look forward to work- ing with my fellow members of the Church to build a community centred on Christ and dedicated to serving others.

President Ramesh of the Tambaram branch said, I will try to visit many families and individuals to acquaint them with the gospel and make them feel welcome and belong to a place of peace and safety, our church. In this way, the ministry will be in full swing and increase the strength of the branch and district. I have many other plans to build the Kingdom of God, and preaching the restored gospel along with Ministering will be my priority.
1 President Gordon. B. Hinckley, “Forget Your- self” March 1977, Brigham Young University Devotional.
2 Alma 37:37