I attended seminary for two years and during that time the Restored Gospel reached into my heart. It was during that time that I started praying, studying and pondering the scriptures and felt the Savior’s gracious love in my daily life. At that time I realized that the gospel and its principles are true. At that time the gospel entered into my heart.
My Seminary and Institute days were the foundation of my missionary service. Seminary made me a successful and honorable missionary. It gave me a positive energy. Being the only member of the church in my family is very difficult, but Lord never leaves me alone. He always gives me His hands each time I fall. The covenants I have made with Him always remind me that He is there for me. If I had not had those seminary friends and those wonderful teachers I don't know how I would be. I can't even imagine. This gospel made me a good young women, a good daughter to my parent's and a good friend to my friends.
Serving a mission was a big task for me because I hadn’t completed my education and no one in my family encouraged me to serve. In fact, everything completely opposed my serving a mission. However, small acts of righteousness and my exemplary life, which I learned in my Young Women’s class, softened my parents’ hearts and slowly things changed. They accepted the idea of me serving a mission.
The Lord has promised that our righteous desires will be fulfilled and that has been true in my life. I realized my dream to visit the temple and it strengthened me more. I learned many priceless things from the people I met on my mission. I have found peace, joy, and satisfaction when I taught someone on my mission and now when I teach in my callings in my home ward. I have learned that the more you work the more your joy will be.
My favorite verse from the Doctrine and Covenants is, “ I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.”1 I always remember this beautiful promise. He is a just God who never fails to fulfill His promises to His children. All we must do is to obey His words and follow His footsteps and He will lead us by the hand.
1 Doctrine and Covenants 82:10