Self-Reliance - A turning point in my life

Stake President, Hyderabad India Stake

We all have moments when we see our loved ones—friends, family, or even ourselves—struggling with feelings of hopelessness. Often, despite our best efforts to offer advice or encouragement, our words seem to fall on deaf ears. We may feel frustrated or helpless, wondering how we can truly make a difference in their lives. The question arises: What is the right way to help someone change their attitude and behavior?

Lord said “… it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. But it must needs to be done in mine own way…” D&C 104:15-16

Elder Boyd K. Packer said “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.”1 I have found that the answer often lies in the power of true doctrine and principles, as taught in the Self-Reliance workshop curriculum. These teachings have not only helped me understand my worth and potential but also introduced me to valuable concepts and skills in career development.

At one point in my life, I underestimated my abilities and struggled to believe that I could advance in my career. Though I aspired to move from being a process associate to a manager, I lacked the confidence and the knowledge of how to achieve that goal. During one of the Self- Reliance workshop sessions, a scripture was shared that changed my perspective: Doctrine and

Covenants 130:20-21, which states, “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated – And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” This passage, along with a prompting from the Holy Ghost, helped me realize that if I wanted to be a manager, I needed to develop the skills and habits of a manager.

Inspired by this revelation, I began seeking opportunities to gain those skills. Although my initial attempts to assist managers at work were met with suspicion, I did not give up. I eventually approached the vice-president of my organization, expressing my desire to develop managerial skills. He assigned me a challenging project that none of the managers wanted, requiring extra hours and effort with no additional pay. Through perseverance, I completed the project successfully and was recognized as the best employee of the year.

This recognition opened doors for me. The following month, I received a job offer from another organization, offering me three times my previous salary and a managerial position overseeing several teams. The effort I put into developing my skills and the attitude I adopted during those challenging months impressed the HR manager, leading to this new opportunity.


Pres. Sanayi

Looking back, I often reflect on the power of that initial prompting during the Self-Reliance workshop. It was a turning point in my life.

The same scripture that inspired me may mean something different to someone else, but for me, it became the foundation upon which I built my career. I am grateful for the church leader who encouraged me to attend that workshop. Without his guidance and concern, I might never have taken that step. Self-Reliance workshops have the potential to inspire profound changes in those who participate. I have seen firsthand how these workshops can transform lives, helping individuals improve their attitudes, efforts, behaviors, and habits. Yet, I know there are many who do not fully understand the benefits of the Self-Reliance initiative. I believe that it is vital for leaders in our wards and branches—Relief Society presidents, Elders Quorum leaders, ministering brothers and sisters, and Bishops—to recognize the needs of their members who are struggling with various aspects of life, whether it be employment, education, business, or emotional well-being. By guiding them to the appropriate Self-Reliance groups, they can help these individuals discover the doctrines and principles that will bring about the blessings of provident living.

When leaders regularly organize Self-Reliance workshops, they provide members with an opportunity to learn and grow without feeling preached to. These workshops allow the Holy Ghost to inspire participants to make meaningful changes in their lives. We don’t need to be experts to help others; we simply need to show genuine love and concern and guide them to the resources the Lord has provided.

The Self-Reliance program is a divinely inspired initiative, designed to teach us how to provide for ourselves and our families, and to help us prosper. I am deeply grateful for this program and the impact it has had on my life. I testify that our Savior, Jesus Christ, lives and that He is mindful of our needs. It is His purpose to bless and provide for His saints. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



  1. Packer, Boyd K. “Little Children.” General Conference, October 1986. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.