My life in the gospel began with being a part of the relief society. When I joined the church, I was only 17 years old. The church was just a home group then, and we had no young women classes then. So, all of us attended the Relief Society. My first calling in the church was as a Counselor in the Relief Society. In those days, we had visiting teaching. I remember very much that we as presidency ensured we visited all sisters. We succeeded too in that by achieving our goal. As the days went by, I learnt many things about why Relief Society was set up and what we, as daughters of Heavenly Father, ought to do.
Here is where I learnt my roles and responsibilities as a daughter to Heavenly Father and to my earthly parents. I am grateful for the teachings of Prophets; the experience of prophets helped me to serve a mission and helped me to determine to marry in the Temple. After my marriage, I was called as a District Relief Society President. I remember how my counsellors and I dedicated our time and talents to helping the loving daughters of Heavenly Father. We visited many sisters and had many activities to help sisters learn and grow towards Heavenly Father. I am grateful for a supporting husband because, oh whom, I was able to fulfil my calling. My husband cared for the children when I visited Relief Society meetings, visiting or activities. I enjoyed many programs of Relief Society, such as dressing up for special occasions, making snacks, cooking, baking, making quilts, visiting the old age homes, singing, dancing, and enjoying every bit of being a beautiful daughter of Heavenly Father in this earthly life.
I know when the Lord established this organization through a living Prophet, he knew how we all, as sisters or women, would be a great support to the church. I am grateful that both my daughters are in Relief Society and my older daughter has served as Relief Society President and the experiences she had are such a wonderful blessing for me to know that the teachings taught at home are fruitful.
I am grateful to be part of this wonderful organisation. I know I have a lot to do in this organisation. If I fulfil my calling as a ministering sister, that will be a great blessing to me. I know Heavenly Father is always there to help us in all our efforts. He only expects us to ask. I know he loves us very dearly. I know Jesus Christ lives and loves us very dearly. I am grateful we have a living prophet to lead and guide us in these latter days.