God is the only being who can give us the purest form of love. I have known this already, but I understand more as I prepared the lesson for the Relief Society class this February from the general conference talk. The talk I prepared for the class was 'God's love: The Most Joyous to the Soul' by Sister. Susan H Porter (Primary General Presidency).
LOVE is always a great topic to discuss, and this talk is the perfect talk to discuss God's love. I indeed enjoyed it a lot as I prepared, and it enlightened my knowledge. I sketched the lesson to convey the exact beauty of the talk to the members. I spotted three main pieces of content to share in the class.
* What is God's love?
* How to obtain His love?
* Find ways to share His love with our fellow brethren.
'When you know and understand how completely you are loved as a child of God, it changes everything. It changes the way you feel about yourself when you make mistakes. It changes how you feel when difficult things happen. It changes your view of God's commandments. It changes your view of others and of your capacity to make a difference.' 1
How true!!! When we feel His true love in our life, our understanding expands. We develop a meaningful relationship with God, and we know our deeper sense better. The words by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 'The first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength—that's the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all His heart, might, mind, and strength.' 2
Yes, I know God loves you and me first, even before we know who God is. His love is infinite. His love is unconditional. His love is our supreme guide for enjoying the blessings of eternal life. He is our master creator; he is mindful of us. He is aware of us and our problems; our Lord waits for us to turn from our evil ways with much patience. There is none other than Him who understands us perfectly. Our heartfelt prayers are always heard and answered because He loves us. We should give and share His love as we get from Him. As a part of the lesson preparation, I made a few hearts with the writing – God Loves You. This writing made me realize how I have been loved and still loved by my Heavenly Father as he loves me by giving me the revelation, heartfelt promptings, and wonderful manifestation of the holy spirit when I need it. Sisters from relief society shared their great love for our Lord, helping me strengthen my testimony on our Saviour's love for His children.
These general conference talks are truly a blessing to us. I feel privileged to receive the guidance for the next six months. They prepare me to stay strong in my difficult times. God loves us, and his pure love is real.
Sister Susan H Porter 'God's love: The Most Joyous to the Soul' October 2021 General conference.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: 'Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You' April 2016 General conference.