Two years ago I decided to serve a mission. It was hard for me to choose whether I should go on mission or should pursue my future endeavors. I often felt that serving mission was an obligation only for young men but not for young women. Even though it was my desire to go on mission I didn’t understand what was really holding me back. Days went by. I sought for God’s will in many ways but I was still confused. Then one day I came across counsel given by prophet Gordon B Hinckley.
He taught that many young women are serving missions. Many woman are preparing to serve, not because they aren’t married or have nothing else to do; but because they have a desire to serve. Therefore they are being called to work. The reason so many are going is because in the next generation Heavenly Father will be sending his priesthood army to the earth and he wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the Gospel.
Now I knew what I should do. I realized that God always has an eternal perspective beyond our comprehension. As it says in Mosiah 4:9, “Man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.'
That day because of the words of the prophet, I chose to serve my mission. I understood how important it is to have the guidance of the prophets and how blessed we are to be members of the true Church which is led by a prophet of the Lord.
When we taught people on my mission, nothing touched their hearts more effectively than the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith. When we shared his testimony of the First Vision in his own words, we strongly felt the Spirit and so did the people we taught.
Prophets are chosen by God . Whatever the prophet speaks is from God. “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.'1
When we heed the prophets they will ultimately lead us to the Christ who is the only source of peace, hope, the end and the beginning. I can continuously feel the Lord’s hand in my life whenever I read the words of the prophets.
I have witnessed how the Lord has directed our dear living prophet Russell M. Nelson to bless the world in these perilous times. I testify that it is through the guidance of the prophets we can understand the true meaning of anchoring our lives in Christ.
1 Doctrine and Covenants 1:38