The Coimbatore India district held a six-day virtual “Youth Conference” to strengthen the faith and testimony of the youth in the district. Over 40 youth from the district participated by sharing their talents, testimonies and experiences. The theme of the conference was “A Great Work”. The conference began with a Virtual fireside held on 23rd May. The youth were taught about missionary work and how they can participate in “A Great Work”. In the Fireside, the presidency also presented the week’s schedule to the youth.
Each day the youth would focus on an offline activity connected to an area mentioned in the youth program. There would be three choices of activities that they could complete. All the youth in the district were connected through an online platform -WhatsApp; this platform helped them share their experiences. The youth were also able to hear testimonies of two youth from the district each day on the same forum. Day One was focused on Social. The youth spent time with their parents and siblings by building blocks, playing games, colouring and performing dances. They enjoyed having time with others and learnt to wait not to lend a hand to someone else.
On day Two, they learned about spiritual things. Many of the youth watched a video from our local missionaries about preparing for a mission. The schedule helped them read the Book of Mormon, have faith, and keep the commandments. Few choose to share their favourite scriptures and what it meant to them. Day Three was focused on intellectual. The youth visited, one of the church websites, and completed the path for prayer, service, forgiveness, and beatitudes. The final day was for physical. Many of the youth helped their parents in making yummy food. Some choose to stretch, while few decide to learn and perform the dance “If You Believe” performed by the Alaskan missionaries, which was fun.
All the Lord’s children are being blessed with unique talents. In order to showcase that, on 28th May, all the youth connected virtually for a closing fireside, few pre-recorded videos of the youth and their talents were played, and the meeting ended with a game. Closing speakers shared about being a child of God and wearing the Armour of God. Testimonies were strengthened, youth were connected, participation in “A great work” was successful, and now they are pressing forward to do it regularly.