My Conversion To The Restored Gospel
My Conversion To The Restored GospelI am a mother of four children. I been blessed with three sons and one daughter. My Eldest son Joseph joined the church in 1991. In 1992 my husband passed away, as we all were not united in one faith I wondered how I would lead my children without my husband, the head of the family.
I faced many trails and challenges during that time. I prayed to Heavenly Father every day to lead my children in the right path. Heavenly Father answered my prayers and helped my other son Robert to join the church. My eldest son served a mission. Heavenly Father blessed our family abundantly and my youngest son Lawrence also served a mission because of their examples. My daughter Sophia , joined the church, when my sons returned from their mission. She was married to Prince Jayakaran, a returned missionary. They invited me to join the church but at the time I faced many trails and challenges in my life.
Twelve years passed by, my elder son moved to Pennsylvania, United States, with his family. My son invited me to visit him. When I went there I regularly attended church on Sundays. One fine morning, I visited Susquehanna River, near Harmony, Pennsylvania, the place where Joseph Smith received the Aaronic and the Melchizedek priesthood.
While returning, I had some thought and wanted to know more about Joseph Smith and his history. I started to read the Book of Mormon every day. My daughter-in-law helped me and taught the scriptures and the gospel. I had a happy feeling in my heart and it increased day by day, I was prompted to join the church and decided to be baptized. I am grateful to the Elder Kevin Wickel and Elder Rhoton who helped me to increase my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father had changed my heart and blessed me with immense joy. I was baptized by my eldest Son Joseph on 20th August 2005 (being my birthday) in the Susquehanna River and was confirmed the next day. It was a wonderful feeling which I cannot express in words.
I was sealed to my husband in Hong Kong China temple on 28th Feb 2008. I know that temple ordinances help us to be with our Heavenly Father and with our family for eternity. I am grateful that my children were examples to help me to accept the restored gospel. God choose me as an instrument in his hands and it is a precious gift for me. He blessed me with eleven grandchildren. I am blessed because of the restored gospel and the knowledge that we all will have the opportunity to be with our Father someday. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Sis. Lourdumary William
Coimbatore 2nd Branch
Coimbatore India District
Bangalore India Mission