I always felt joy leading hymns in the sacrament and other meetings, and this has brought a profound desire for me to help members learn music to express our praise and devotion to God. After being called as a stake music leader, I had the same desire to help members, so I prepared a vision and started asking Heavenly Father day and night through prayer for his help to strengthen music in our stake. As an answer to my prayers and efforts produced by our Stake Presidency, we have seen the Lord's help through President Willams, Elder and Sister Baird, a couple of missionaries who are serving in the India New Delhi Mission.
These couple missionaries have understood our vision to strengthen members of our Stake in Music, and they have contributed their efforts by beginning 'Weekly Music Classes' on the Conducting Course and Instrument Course. Their efforts, combined with the support of many of our music leaders and members, have brought about great outcomes for all those who have endured till the end. I am thankful for these wonderful brothers and sisters who have endured well and seen god's hand in learning music. Even their little efforts have blessed them, and they could improve their skill in music. In their words, they expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to improve their skill, which was helping them praise God and help others feel the spirit. These classes have also helped us become closer to God, and we have grown in love and learned to appreciate music.
This experience helped me to understand that the Lord is very mindful of music in our Stake and has prepared people who can contribute services. He goes before and prepares a way for us to achieve all our righteous desires. Endurance in all aspects of life is really what brings blessings in our lives. I am grateful to God for this sacred music in my life. I am thankful for blessing me with an opportunity to serve him through a calling, and I truly know that he would never command us to do something unless he provided a way for us. I also testify that God is mindful of us and is there to assist us in fulfilling our callings. When our desires are righteous, he will bless us in every effort that we make.