Missionary work by a Primary Child

Missionary work by a Primary Child

My primary leaders always teach about missionary work and they tell us that preparation should start from childhood. I always looked for an opportunity to invite my friends but they always rejected.  I often thought that maybe I am too young to invite my friends to church, someday when I grow big like sister missionaries then I will start missionary work.

I came to know that one of the sister missionaries was to complete her mission in a couple of days. I asked my parents if we could invite sister missionaries for family home evening. My parents were very happy and immediately asked me to call and invite the missionaries. As it was my invitation they assigned me to plan the agenda and snacks for family home evening.

Sisters were very excited to join us. My dad taught the lesson on missionary work. He gave us a challenge to invite at least one person every month. This was tough!! I asked him how to invite?? I always wanted my friends to come and see the church.  Because I love my school friends and I wanted them to learn what I learn in church.  My parents helped me understand that I should pray before I invite. I thought I will pray before inviting my friends. Sister missionaries, parents and I sang “I want to be a missionary now' (primary song). I listened carefully when my parents and Sisters shared their experiences.  My interest towards missionary work increased. Before going to bed I prayed to Heavenly Father to give me one opportunity.

Next day, I went to school. I am a member of the School Activities Committee. Since it was Christmas season my principal suggested us to plan something new and exciting. Then I immediately told her that we could go visit the church I go to. She asked me if the authorities will permit. I told her that they will be very happy to receive us and they love little children.  I requested my principal if the entire primary children can go to see the Church. She came closer and hugged me and said 'God Bless You'.  Later, she called my mom and spoke about my invitation. My mom later spoke to my dad and bishop.  They co-ordinated with single adults, primary leaders and missionaries for the visit.

It was on 23rd December 2014. I was very excited and at the same time nervous. My parents were very excited for me. Mom prepared my favourite snack and dad dropped me at school. When I entered the premises my friends rushed towards me asking me to wear Santa’s cap. I looked around and saw everyone are ready to go see my church. After an hour, Principal gathered all the students and we all started singing jingle bells.

We went to church and missionaries welcomed us warmly. My Bishop was very happy to see my friends. We all saw a video on the birth of Jesus Christ.The single adults and missionaries sang Christmas songs for my friends. Later, bishop spoke to us that Jesus Christ loves little children. My dad spoke about loving one another andhonouring our parents, listening to teachers. Then, I spoke about Christmas.

My principal thanked the team for organizing such a wonderful program for the school children. She and my teachers thanked me for inviting them to church. They went around the building asking questions to our missionaries.

My prayers were answered. I thank God for this opportunity. There were Total 486 students and staff who accepted my invitation. They loved it. My friends are so happy.

Though this was a small invitation, it has given me confidence. I know if we ask God to help us do his work he will show us the way. Someday, I will see the 486 getting baptized. Because it is God's work and we are all his children. He loves me and all of us. I thank my parents, primary leaders and sister missionaries for teaching me about missionary work.

Sheryl Blessy Natarajan,10year-valiant,Madinaguda ward-1,Hyderabad- India Stake.

Sheryl Blessy Natarajan,10year-valiant,Madinaguda ward-1,Hyderabad- India Stake.