“We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instructions, that we may all sit down in heaven together.” 1 This was our goal as a presidency as we planned for a youth activity. The activity was held in Hotel Oasis-Erode on 19th October between 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
Parents were seated in the back rows, to watch and witness the joy their children could take home from the activity, which would bless them and their generation. The youth enjoyed the evening in all aspects, where there was a balance between spiritual, physical and mental activities. Our workshops focused on good works, missionary preparation, dating and usage of social media and technology. In addition to the workshops, talent show, mind games and other fun activities were conducted. It made them feel loved and emphasized the need to be united in the gospel. This made the rising generation experience and acknowledge the hidden values and talents of one another, as everyone is blessed with talents by our loving Heavenly Father to bless the lives of others.
President Gordon B Hinckley quoted, “Once having received that testimony, it becomes our obligation to bear record to others.” 2 Understanding this obligation, the youth in the activity shared their heartfelt testimony at the end of the activity. Each of their testimonies strengthened one another to press forward in their gospel life. Each of them shared how the activity helped them lift their standards and thoughts on missionary work. The evening was well spent with 31 members, and each one of them left the venue with a delighted heart. It was an amazing experience for all of us during the hard times.
1. Sister Kathleen H. Hughes, “That We May All Sit Down in Heaven Together” October 2005 General Conference.
2. “Receiving a Testimony of Jesus Christ,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith