“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you,
that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have
love one to another” .1 When I was called as a Bishop, I used to look at people as just the members of the Church. However, my understanding has changed over time by talking to them, especially those facing challenges; I had to be patient, as I was listening to them, understanding their concerns, mourning with them, praying and comforting them and counselling them.
I understand our Saviour’s love for all his children and how much He loves each of us with our imperfections. His love is infinite and universal. Sometimes, we all fall short and go away from God by not keeping His commandments; however, as we turn to our Saviour’s invitation “Come unto Me” we will find greater power to resist all the temptations of this world that do not let us love one another, and we can change our life for the better. Now, I see all those that I serve the way the Lord would see them.
I understand that showing love to all, is not easy for us to follow, but as we try and
practice it daily, in different roles that we hold in this mortal world; we can all become like our Saviour. I know our Heavenly Father loves us all, unconditionally. And now, it is our duty and responsibility to follow the commandments that include loving our neighbour as ourselves. Every calling in the Church has helped me to understand the need to love all His children; this helped me understand God’s love for me. I am grateful that the Lord provided opportunities for me to serve Him and show my love to all His children.
1 John 13: 34 – 35