Sometimes in life, the price we pay for our sins, the sufferings we come across through our own wrong decisions matter because they lead us to truth and light. They have helped me to convert and humble myself more unto the Lord and helped me feel his atoning power in my life.
The Primary hymn, “I Love to See the Temple,” always made me have a desire to visit the temple of the Lord. As a young woman I prepared to make and keep sacred covenants with the Lord. Years passed and our family decided to be sealed together for the eternities. All these things helped me prepare myself spiritually in fact they helped me to become worthy and they reminded me of my worth as a precious daughter of Heavenly Father. Preparing for the temple is not an easy thing. I came across many temptations, addictions and adversaries but when I repented of my sins and humbled myself before the Lord, I received his atoning power in my life.
I was away from my home for a couple of months and was preparing myself to receive a temple recommend. Finally the day came. I was very eager and had the interview and everything went well. I received my recommend by the grace of our Lord from the bishop. Afterwards I had to travel an hour and half to the church, so I put my temple recommend in volume 1 of Saints which I was carrying with me. I booked a cab and started my journey but for some reason my ride was cancelled in the middle and the driver asked me to get down and book another cab. I was new to the city and didn’t know what to do. I got down from the cab and the driver went away. As I was searching for another cab, I realized that I had left the book with my temple recommend in the cab. Tears rolled down. My thoughts were, “I was not prepared so that is why my temple recommend is not with me.”
My friends asked me to call the driver and after some time he picked up my call. We asked for the book. He said, “It’s not here.” I asked him to look once again and he said it was there but he was far from the place I live and he wanted me to come and collect it. I didn’t know how could I collect it, but the Lord prepared a way. I asked our Bishop Joseph for help and he arranged for a brother Alvin to collect the book from the driver who lives near his house.
Thoughts and promptings came to me as I waited to get the book. After a week I again had my temple recommend back in my hand. When I told some of my friends that I had lost my recommend they said that it was OK and told me to get another one, but I didn’t feel good about asking for other one. I always considered receiving a temple recommend to be a privilege.
While we were preparing to enter the temple, this pandemic started. We, even at this time, want each other to stay spiritually stronger. Preparing for the temple is a major part in a person’s life. Satan uses all his tools to move us from the Lord’s path but when I keep my covenants and when I consider myself as a temple of God, it helps me to prepare more spiritually. I thank all my leaders and our stake president for helping me always to stay on the path. No matter how many times we fall short of things in life, there is always a way back to our Heavenly Father and one day I’ll be sealed with my family for eternity.
I testify that the work of the Lord, the missionary work and the family history work, are essential to gather Israel in these last days. I witness that we are a chosen generation, preparing ourselves to receive the temple ordinances that help our family to be loving and righteous. The temple helps us to feel encircled by his eternal love. One day I’ll perform baptisms for my ancestors and one day I’ll be sealed with my family. As we prepare together, love for each other increases, blessings are received and covenants are fulfilled. I testify that the temples are the source and the proof of God’s love towards all his children. They help us return back to our Heavenly Father. I testify these all words in the name of our Beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.