As a young boy, I have seen volunteers of the church in their perfect attire riding bicycles, going from one place to another, sharing the Gospel and bringing joy to the families, which inspired me to become a full-time volunteer in church. I was 14 when I started to go with volunteers of church, and I have learned much from them. I have been involved in translating the messages conveyed by the them to the people in their native language and have seen them accepting the Gospel with happiness and Joy.
After many years of heartfelt desire and preparation, it was my turn to be a full-time representative of Christ, but covid came in between my desire to serve. The world was in complete lockdown; with the Lord's help, I submitted my mission papers and received the call to serve as a full-time volunteer in India New Delhi Mission. I did not know what was on my way; I was assigned to serve in Shahadra, a home group with no members and investigators; this was not something I expected. Miraculously once again, with the help of the Lord, we found a few people and helped them to know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This makes me understand that the Lord provides a way for His servants to preach the Gospel.

After three months, I was transferred to another area which was also a home group; this is where I started to understand better Lord's plan for me and moved on with faith, believing that the Lord would help me to know what to do and then we found a wonderful soul. With much happiness and Zeal, we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited her to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being new in the mission field, my companion and I eagerly awaited her reply; she accepted our invitation and made her first covenant with the Lord. This experience made me taste the joy of bringing a valiant soul into the Lord's fold. From there on, my eyes were opened to see beyond with faith and hope. Later, I had the opportunity to serve in Rajahmundry, Vijayawada, Vizag and, at last, Kakinada, which allowed me to enjoy several spiritual manifestations. My mission helped me to understand that we can find joy when we show Christ-like love to others and will be rewarded one day.
The Lord knows our flaws and our weaknesses, as when we go to Him with real intent of heart, He will make our weakness into strength. And I am grateful that I was called to serve in the Lord's vineyard and have been used as an instrument to help His children to come unto Him.