God Will Lift Us Up
Things to Act and Things to Be Acted Upon
Partake of the Sacrament
Elder Robert D. Hales talks about how we can have God’s light through the Holy Ghost.
As we attend the temple, there can come to us a dimension of spirituality and a feeling of peace.
Peter testifies that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus declares that He will give the keys of the kingdom to Peter.
Joseph Smith is prepared to bring to pass the restoration of the Gospel.
What sign do you want to give to God? Is the sabbath a delight for you? What activities would help make the Sabbath a delight for you?
What Matters Most
Elder Russell M. Nelson has said that “Faith in God engenders a love for the Sabbath. Faith in the Sabbath engenders a love for God.' What can you do to abide with the Lord?
Continue in Patience
Every family has a story. What's yours? Learn more about your story and find strength for your life in the example and experiences of your ancestors.