It is Never Too Late
The Reason Behind Christmas
Highlight of Sister Carol F. McConkie's address at the October 2014 General Conference
Listen to experiences from married couples and discover how they found blessings within their families because of their decision to have children.
'' font-size:='' open='' style='color: rgb(112, 114, 116); font-family:'>As children of God, we have been given the wonderful gift of choice. The truest happiness and peace we can have comes by choosing to obey His laws.
To the Rescue - Young Single Adults
(Abraham 1:1-20) Elder Wirthlin encourages church members to give generous fast offerings.
Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light
Daily Bread
Many of us have wondered if God knows us or if He even exists. Todd was someone who wasn’t surprised when he didn’t get an immediate answer to a prayer. But could God be giving us small but obvious answers? And how patient do we need to be?
The Power of Hope
Work of Salvation for both the Living and the Dead