COVID 19 has affected the world in many ways. Some emotions that it has evoked are fear, discouragement, panic and hopelessness. It reminds me of Peter’s experience found in Matthew 14. Peter desired to walk on water toward Christ and was able to it until he observed the boisterous winds around him and began to sink. As long as Peter’s eyes were on the Savior, he didn’t experience any fear and distress. Amidst this crisis, I have personally found this scriptural account to be so relevant and inspiring. Looking up to God and striving to keep his commandments has filled me with hope and increased faith. Holding on to scriptures and looking up to the prophets has strengthened my faith.
Many groups of people in scriptures have experienced political unrest, poverty, plagues and natural calamities but the way they felt and the way they acted depended on where they were placing their faith. The ones who chose to focus on God and keep his commandments moved forward with hope and peace in spite of all the unrest around. Studying scriptures using the Come Follow Me resource, personally and with family, helps me to place my faith in the right source and is an incredible source of strength and comfort.
At the onset of the pandemic President Russell M Nelson said, “During these uncertain times, be comforted by this promise from the Saviour. He said, ‘I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say.’ I promise you that joy is always within the reach of everyone who will hear Him and obey His laws.”1
Learning of the Lord’s mind and will through his living prophets amidst this crisis has helped me to have renewed hope to face the future with greater optimism. I testify of the Lord’s love, kindness and mercy towards all his children.
1. Russell M. Nelson, “My Message of Hope and Love for You,” Facebook, 14 March 2020.