Every Day Is A New Day-If I lose The Game I Should Attend The Church

Every Day Is A New Day-If I lose The Game I Should Attend The Church

I was born to wonderful parents. I have one elder brother. I love them so much. They taught me how to love, learn and respect others. I grew up in a different sect of religion. I was pursuing engineering and got selected for a multi-national company during my final year. Days were going on but I did not get the offer letter and it was getting postponed. Mean while, I started playing Badminton in the evenings.

One of my friends started inviting me to the church, somehow I kept rejecting. One day in our game we had a bet “if I lose the game I should attend the church” and I agreed. Fortunately, I lost! So to keep the promise I made, I attended church on Sunday. When I visited for the first time, I felt great love and respect shown by the brothers and sisters in the Church. In the gospel essential class I really felt some kind of good feeling in my heart and afterwards I met two missionaries and they started teaching me. I never read the Bible. The first book I started reading was Book of Mormon which articulated everything plainly so I was able to understand each and everything. Two months later, I decided to take baptism but circumstances were not good and parents also did not support. Elders suggested me to fast. I did it. One scripture that inspired me was from 1Nephi 3:7. We read: 'I will go and do the things which the lord hath commanded, for I know that the lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” Moreover, I got confirmation in my payer too so I planned for baptism. I was baptized on Dec10, 2011. I realized that some things get postponed for some other good purpose since it is God’s plan.

I am so much grateful for this restored gospel of Jesus Christ. After baptism every day is a new day for me. I started engaging myself in reading scriptures. I was so blessed to know about the truth, especially the plan of salvation, which taught me the purpose of my life, and attaining Christ like attributes which are precious gifts that should be learned and applied in our lives.

I have learnt through the atonement and living the gospel we become worthy to enter the presence of Heavenly Father. Life is a perfect laboratory to develop Christ like attributes and in turn will improve our relationships, help us to serve willingly and fit us for eternal life. If we move forward with faith, the Lord will make much more out of our life than we can by ourselves. He will lineup resources, will increase the opportunities, strengthen us, expand our vision and help us to meet our trails and challenges successfully.

I am forever grateful for Heavenly Father's love and for the atonement of Christ and I believe the Holy Spirit is present with us. We can know the truth of all the things if we seek it through humble prayer and study. I never felt alone in my life after joining the church. I truly know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are with me and ready to help in all the circumstances.

I testify that God lives and loves each of us equally and Lord our Savior, Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. I know that the Church has been restored with fullness of gospel once again on earth through Prophet Joseph Smith. I am so happy that God hath made it known unto me these things which are true in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.