Does The Journey Seem Long?


'If you consider Success to be only the most perfect Rose or Dazzling Orchid, you may miss some of Life's sweetest experience' 1 is one of my motivational quotes.

I returned home on 1 Aug 2019 from India Bengaluru Mission; it was a unique and life-changing experience. Walking down the streets, cycling around the mountains and highways, knocking at the doors, with a triumphant voice echoing the Gospel and able to witness the morning sunshine of Baptism were a few of the things that I have witnessed during two years of my Mission.

One of my fellow missionaries in the mission field said – 'Success includes (EM²)', which is Education, Mission and Marriage. It makes so much sense to me, and I liked the way he included Mission as a 'Success' and that Success brings true happiness, joy, and blessings.

Like many others, my Mission is a Success for me; it brought happiness, joy, and blessing after returning home. One of the greatest blessings was to see my Mother (Kalaivani Ravindran) making her baptismal Covenant with our Father in Heaven on 29th Sept 2018. It took her ten years to enter the gate of joy and happiness. I had the privilege to baptize her during my Mission, for which I am eternally grateful to him. I am thankful for the Lord and his Gospel that helped me and my family to start this beautiful journey. The journey seemed long, yet it was the best two years.


What am I going to do after my Mission was a big challenging question for me, and I am sure it is the same for everyone who finishes their Mission! The year 2020 was a disaster of lockdown, which was an initiative due to Covid-19. However, in my case, I focused on the things that I learnt on the Mission, which made me more robust, and I got a job that helped me financially during the lockdown. I reflected on the quote from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf about 'Believe! And God will be with you. Incline your heart to him – and he will guide you on your journey'. 2

I was able to implement Elder Uchtdorf's statement in my life, which helps me continue this journey after my Mission. To face the real world, I just had to BELIEVE! in him, and I knew he would guide me. There is a purpose for us to be here on earth and a reason for our trials; as we rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, he can help us endure our problems, sicknesses, and pain. I know that Jesus Christ will always guide us in the journey that we are. It's all about never losing hope in him. Though the whirlwind and the mighty storm may come, which will drag us down to misery, we cannot fall if our journey is centered on the Lord. We will find Success in the path only if we BELIEVE!!



1 Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 'Forget me not,' October 2011 General Conference.

2 Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 'Your Adventure through Mortality' March 2019, Liahona.