When faced with challenging decisions, I am grateful for the principles of fasting and prayer.
In 2013, My wife and i were faced with such a challenging decision. had several employment opportunities and did not know which path to take since the consequences of each were very different.
My mentor and boss was retiring and i was in line to take his place as Vice President of Gasification Technology, A position i had wanted for a long time.However, over the years, My wife and i had discussed taking an overseas assignment. We had just become empty nesters and felt now may be the right time.
Reliance Industries had been inquiring after me for some time and offered me a very challenging but rewarding position in their organization in India. I was loyal to my staff and boss at my current company and had worked with many of them for 25 years.
My wife and i “studied out” these options in our mind (D&C 9:8) by listing the pros and cons of each option.
On a visit to India in September 2013, I fasted and prayed to know which path i should take. At the conclusion of the sacrament meeting in the humble meetinghouse in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, the congregation sang “Hark All Ye Nations”. The spirit overwhelmed me and i knew that The Lord wanted us in Mumbai.
Since moving to India, My wife and i have been blessed to meet and work with the wonderful saints and missionaries here in Mumbai. Although i do not know all the reasons The Lord wants us here nor what path another choice would have taken, the answer to my prayers and fasting gave me confidence to move forward with faith in my church and professional work here in India.
Cliff Keeler.
President Keeler serves as the branch president of Mumbai branch, India.