Choosing to embark on a journey to serve our Lord as a full-time volunteer is often considered one of life's defining decisions. Reflecting on my service, I can confidently say that it has been a profound blessing that has forever changed my perspective and enriched my life.
My aspiration to become a full-time volunteer has always been a cherished dream. The opportunity to love, share, and invite others to 'COME UNTO CHRIST' resonated deeply with me. I yearned to share the boundless joy and happiness I had experienced through my faith with those seeking solace and purpose. This sense of purpose fortified my resolve to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.
Throughout the 18 months of my service, each day unfolded as a treasured chapter in my life story. It was within these months that I unearthed spiritual and personal lessons that have contributed significantly to my journey toward becoming a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ. I discovered that the change we must undergo is within ourselves. As I immersed myself in the teachings of God, I came to understand the profound depth of my Savior's infinite atonement. My interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds gave me a profound realisation of the significance of the service. Witnessing the unmistakable presence of the Spirit during appointments and answering questions from people underscored the sanctity of my service.
The service ingrained within me the importance of keeping Christ at the centre of my life. 'Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ'1 – resonated with newfound clarity. My service helped me to know myself better.

Surprisingly, one of the hurdles I anticipated was one of my greatest accomplishments. Learning the local language seemed daunting at first, but through diligent effort and the guiding influence of the Holy Spirit, I was blessed with the gift of understanding the language. This newfound ability was a testament to the power of the spirit and determination when aligned with divine purpose.
The foundation I built during my service was rooted firmly in my relationship with Jesus Christ. The experience has indelibly shaped every facet of my life, refining me into a better version of myself. As a loving daughter of my Heavenly Father, I emerged from this journey with a profound understanding of my purpose and an unwavering commitment to continue progressing as a disciple of Christ.
In retrospect, the decision to serve Him was not solely about the 18 months I dedicated to this endeavour; it was about the lifelong journey of growth, service, and devotion that ignited within me. The area of my service was not merely a destination but a transformative expedition that has left an indelible mark on my heart, reminding me daily of the boundless love and guidance that Christ provides me.
- 2 Nephi 31:20