On May 10th, 2014, The New Delhi District YSA met together to contribute to a Noble cause of Blood Donation. A bus was provided by the 'Indian Red Cross Society' which had all the arrangements for the donors to donate blood. We began at 11am and wrapped up at 3 pm. Many people came just looking at the bus from across the street to be a part of this Service project. However out of 70 people (members plus non members) only 28 were eligible to donate.Ones who donated for the first time rejoiced with other donors having felt a good feeling about their donations. Along with Blood Donation we had another service project in action down in Sacrament hall where they were making 'Get Well Soon' and 'God Loves You' cards for the dying patients left in the hospitals by their families.There was a Sweet Spirit throughout the day as we served together and returned home with the merits of Love's Labor in serving our needy brothers and sisters.
'Only he who does something helps others to live, to God each good work will be known..'
Preparing Get well soon cards