First, prayerfully consider about what you should speak. If you have been given an assignment, think about what you feel needs to be said. If you have not been given an assignment, seek the guidance of the Spirit in selecting a topic.
Second, review scriptures and General Conference talks that teach the doctrinal truth of the topic. Identify verses and short excerpts from talks that may help teach your message. These verses or quotes will serve as the doctrinal foundation of your talk.
Third, reflect on your own experiences, or those of others, that demonstrate the doctrinal truths you are teaching. Plan to use uplifting experiences that build faith by linking experiences to the principle or concept you are teaching. Sincerity will be key in accessing the Spirit.
Fourth, organize your thoughts.
Finally, give your talk, remembering to introduce your topic, teach true doctrine, share personal experiences, and end with your testimony and in the name of Jesus Christ.