Looking up and gazing at the sky at night is a special feeling. What makes it more pleasing to any human mind is the peace passed on from the Creator of the universe, without number. No Astrophysics, Cosmology, Astronomy, and many more could define, by and large - the vastness, expansiveness, massive, immeasurable, limitless, boundless, stupendous and infinite nature of God’s masterpiece.
Scriptures teach us more about this. Our District Primary presidency reflected on how important it is for the children to appreciate the handiwork of God even at the early ages of their lives. Hence, they organised a trip to Planetarium on March 26, 2022. Around 30 children participated along with their parents, branch Primary leaders and district Primary leaders. They were excited to watch the projected images of the sky, stars, planets and constellations.
Children were curious to know more about the creation of God, coupled with so much fun. The theme of this outdoor activity was taken from Psalms “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His Hands.”[1]
Children have been learning this year from Old Testament. From the scriptures, we learn, “For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”[2] surely, this helps them to regard the work of God. It was a great experience. My testimony is that taking Children to activities such as this has helped me to understand and have a clear picture of God’s stunning creation. Holding my calling in the District Primary has personally helped me to be grateful for whatever he has given me in my life. It also helps me to appreciate my calling and to learn many things to get closer to the Saviour. I feel so grateful and humbled to serve the Lord’s Children in India Chennai District through my calling.
1. Psalms 19:1
2. Moses 1:39