Every time we serve someone, we learn valuable life lessons; my service as a full-time volunteer has taught me valuable life lessons. Our loving Heavenly Father has sent us here to learn and grow so we can become more like Him and our Saviour. Serving a full-time mission will teach us practically how we can achieve it. Serving will enable us to do the Lord’s will as our Saviour did. We learn from the scriptures that “ Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”[1]
“Our service to others is a demonstration of discipleship and our gratitude and love for God and His Son, Jesus Christ.”[2] What a wonderful way to show our love and gratitude to Him. A full-time mission will teach us basic life skills to better serve our society, community, and family. With knowledge as a key, we will be able to serve and succour as Christ did. Being a member for many years, I was slow to learn the doctrines of the Gospel, but during my service, I had the wonderful opportunity to learn doctrine to serve my fellow brethren better. When most of us got sick, my companions became the best doctors and mothers by learning home remedies to serve each other better. Some of my companions became the best chefs by learning cooking so they could serve their loved ones. We were ready to learn new and unknown things for those we love so that we could serve them better. My parents taught me that the more we reach outward, it enables us to accomplish the impossible. Everything we learn in this world is to serve someone. No efforts you put into serving your fellow beings will fail because either you or the person you serve will learn an important lesson. Knowledge is a precious gift you can ever gain.
My parents, during service, always said that life-long discipleship is based on life-long learning. We will continue to learn and grow as we keep serving by reaching outward rather than inward. Our dear Prophet Thomas S. Monson says we are all shepherds with sheep to brighten, touch and save. He will train us to be the best shepherds. “Even before we were born, we, like many others, received our first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in due time of the Lord to labour in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.”[3] Three, we each have a vital role to play. Now is the best time to become who we want to become. Elder Russell Ballard has encouraged us to “Do things that will make a difference.”[4] I would like to extend the same invitation to each wonderful child of our Heavenly Father who is reading this to take up an adventurous challenge of serving a full-time mission and witness how much difference you can make in your lives and the lives of others.
2. Elder Jean B. Bingham, “Ministering as the Saviour Does” April 2018, General Conference.
3. Doctrine and Covenants 138:56
4. Elder Russell. M. Ballard “Do Things That Make a Difference”, June 1983, Ensign