'Hear Him'! Our Prophet admonished. Our Beloved Savior promised, 'I will not forget thee… I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.' 1Even after knowing all this, has your heart ever cried out, 'Heavenly Father! Are you really there?' I PROMISE that our loving Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, are ALWAYS there for EACH and EVERY ONE of us!
How do I know?
I know because 'the Lord is in the details of our lives' 2 as proclaimed by Prophet Thomas S. Monson.
If we just stop and think about our life's journey, we will come to see the hand of the Lord in the 'details of our lives'.
Perhaps you are in a 'dark' moment in your life right now and want to cry out, 'Lord, Lord, why hast Thou forsaken me?' 3 Then it is the perfect moment to 'Doubt your doubt: before you doubt your faith.' 4
I want to share a turning point in my life, many years ago. I loved my life in New Zealand. It was my first year at university, and I had made many wonderful friends. One Sunday morning, a friend called and invited me to a fun activity. I was excited! I was new in the ward and only went to Sacrament meetings because I did not know anyone. So, I rationalized that I could easily skip Church. No one would even miss me.
However, my 'conscience' got the better of me. I felt I should go to Church first. So, I told my friend to pick me up after the Sacrament meeting. I walked into the chapel and sat in my usual spot, the aisle seat in the last row nearest to the door – the perfect seat for a fast exit right after the meeting. We started singing the opening song. Suddenly my Spirit awakened! The music stirred my Soul! I turned my attention to the words of the song, 'How Gentle God's Commands' 5. Tears just streamed down my cheeks. Every word of that hymn filled my whole being with an overwhelming sense of the love my Father in Heaven and my Savior had for me. I do not remember any word that was uttered during that meeting. I just basked in the love that I felt.
Then, the most amazing thing happened. As soon as I got up to 'escape' at the end of the meeting, Bishop Dalton caught my eye. I was mesmerized as he left the stand and came directly to me; he shook my hand, introduced himself for the first time, and asked for my name. I could not escape, for he escorted me out of the chapel and to the classroom where a group of young adults were just starting class. He introduced me to all.
That began a new life for me. I started attending Institute class with these new friends of mine. I gained a powerful testimony of Prophet Joseph Smith as I studied Doctrine and Covenants. It changed my life.
I cherish this experience because it reminds me of my Heavenly Father's and Savior's love for me. It bears witness of their constant awareness of our needs, especially in critical moments. And time and time again, throughout my life, the hymn 'How Gentle God's Commands' has been a solace to my Soul in times of desperate need.
The Lord was not finished with me!
I went on to medical school. My childhood dream was to become a doctor and come to India to serve in orphanages. I was born and raised in Fiji.
At the end of my first year at medical school in Fiji, the Mission President, whom I knew as my Stake President in New Zealand, called me over in the middle of a Church dance. He asked me if I was doing the right thing in my life. Three years earlier, he had asked me to serve a mission in New Zealand, and I had refused. He challenged me again to seek the Lord's will about serving a mission.
I prayed all week and fasted on Sunday but had no answer. Then as I walked into Sacrament meeting, guess what hymn the congregation was singing? 'I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, Dear Lord'! Again, I sat and cried through the whole meeting. I did not want to go on a mission.
I met with President Palmer after the meeting. I tried to convince him again that our Indian society looks down on girls walking the streets and knocking on strangers' doors. I told him I would go if I could serve a mission away from Fiji. He listened patiently and then asked, 'What is your answer from the Lord?'.
Then it happened! President seemed to fade away, and the picture of Christ on the wall behind him filled my vision. I knew! I knew the Lord wanted me to serve a mission. And the Lord, with His great sense of humour, called me to the Fiji-Suva Mission.
My mission completely changed my perspective on life. I surrendered my will to my Lord. And I learned about Faith as a principle of power, above and beyond just the principle of action.
Today, I am serving as Communications Missionary in the New Delhi Mission. My dream has come true! Not in my way but in the Lord's way. Because of the pandemic, we served online for about twenty months and were resigned to finishing online. Then Miracle of Miracles, we got our visa to India, and here we are! We extended our Mission till March 2023, and because our visa is for two years, we hope to extend it for another year.
In 3 Nephi 18: 19-20, the Lord promises answers to our prayers if we do our part. I KNOW the Lord knows each of us, and He knows the desires of our hearts. He is in the 'details of our lives'! He uses the Power of Music and sends 'Angels' and Miracles to guide our lives to the Covenant Path. He loves unconditionally and empowers us through the Precious Atonement of Christ to become who we are meant to be.
'Hear Him'! The Lord KNOWS YOU! There are no coincidences, just Divine Intervention!
- Isaiah 49: 15-16
- President Thomas S. Monson, 'Consider the Blessings' October 2012 General Conference.
- Psalm 22:1
- Elder Dieter. F. Uchtdorf, 'Come Join With Us' October 2013 General Conference.
- Hymn 125, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints.