Watching the rocket launch for a space mission is always an amazing experience. A gigantic object raising steadily and accelerating toward the sky is so magnificent that people will never forget it. In my work as a physics professor, I have found some profound insights from a rocket-launch experience. There are so many features that echo the inspiring talk on spiritual momentum given by our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, in April 2022 general conference.
First, the term momentum is a physical property of a moving object. The physical property contains a direction. During the launch of a rocket, mission control needs to monitor and ensure the rocket has the right direction which leads to the destination. Likewise, our mission in this temporal life should always focus on our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, since our Savior is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. [1]
The launch consists of many different stages planned by mission control. Just like we need to get on and stay on the covenant path with sacred ordinances, each step has its unique purpose and cannot be swapped or skipped. Although the rocket keeps its proper direction, it still needs to accumulate enough momentum to overcome the gravitational field of the earth. Just like in our mortal life, we need to study the scriptures and have meaningful prayers daily, partake of the sacrament weekly, attend the temple, and serve other people in need regularly to accumulate positive spiritual momentum. In doing so, we not only get closer to our Savior, but can overcome earthly temptations like lust, hatred, greed, laziness, etc., that would severely damage our path to our heavenly home. As long as we accumulate enough momentum toward Jesus Christ, we will not be moved or misled in any other direction by any kind of earthly challenge.
'I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs …; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.'
Mosiah 24:14
I notice that many young people gain a positive spiritual impulse after they attend FSY. This activity is usually a large gathering of youth and always motivates young people to feel our Savior’s love and His willingness to sacrifice for others. The youth are more willing to serve and care for others’ spiritual well-being afterwards. Likewise, we should try to join similar events to gain positive momentum. One good example of this is gathering together worldwide to listen to the inspiring prophetic messages in general conference.
At some point, tossing away a heavy burden is required in the rocket launch. It is the same for us to work our way toward Jesus. Our mistakes and shortcomings can become heavy burdens in our lives. We need not carry these burdens. “I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs …; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.”[2] Exercise faith in a Father in Heaven who loves you. We may need to confess to our bishop and let our Savior cleanse our sins. Repent, forgive, and end conflicts in our personal life. Just like the teaching from our beloved prophet, we may see miracles in our lives and strengthen our testimonies.
I gain a boost in my spiritual momentum by praying and knowing God’s will. Our eldest son, while still young, was found to have a serious problem during a regular doctor’s visit in Germany. Some noises indicated a sign of heart valve insufficiency. My wife and I could do nothing to help but could only wait for further tests. I learned how to pray from my wife. At that time, she was a member of the Church, but I had yet refused to be baptized and continued investigating. I knelt down and prayed with my heart wholeheartedly. I heard a clear voice—very low, but firm in my mind—saying the heart valve would grow. We went to a far city by train a few weeks later and had a high-resolution ultrasonic scan to check upon the blood flow in and out of his small heart. My son’s heart was normal! God had answered my prayer. My testimony grew through prayer to know the will of the Lord. The accumulation of my positive spiritual momentum began on that day.
I want to testify that God loves us very much. He has laid out the plan of salvation and Jesus Christ can guide us through our mission. We need to keep accumulating positive spiritual momentum toward our Savior Jesus Christ and have faith on Him. We will meet with our Heavenly Father after we complete our mission in this mortal life.
[1] John 14:6
[2] Mosiah 24:14