A Still Small Voice

Since I'm born in the church and both my parents are active in the church, I have not had to investigate the church. This is the time when my conversion took place.

One afternoon I came back home from my school and knocked on the door, unfortunately no one came to open the door for me. Since both my parents are working, it is not usual for me to come back home after school as I normally go to day care. That afternoon due to a confusion, I thought that I needed to come home and told my van driver to drop me home instead. As soon as I realized that no one was present at home, I did panic!

I quickly ran downstairs only to realize that my van driver had already left. Being eight years old and not knowing what to do to help myself in this situation, one thing that I knew for sure was to offer a prayer. Standing out on the road all by myself on a hot summer day, I started to cry with tears and offered a heartfelt prayer. I heard a still small voice talking to me, as I said my prayer, telling me that I would be fine. It was very comforting to hear this.

The very next moment, I saw a woman standing outside in the balcony of her house in the opposite lane. She saw me crying and asked me what happened. She took me to her home and made me call my parents. I had never seen this woman before, I didn’t know her but she still helped me. I stayed with her until I could be picked up. I can’t thank God enough for sending a guardian angel to my rescue. I know that my prayer was being answered that day and since God could not come himself to help me, he sent an Angel in form of that aunty who helped me.

This experience helped me to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and I also learned how the Holy Ghost can comfort us. I share this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Young Woman