I have always known that our loving Heavenly Father does answer all our prayers. He answers them in his own time and in his own way. I have received an answer to my plea in an unexpected way.
The missionaries started to teach me right after my self-introduction to the Church. The messages were inspiring, and the lessons were wonderful. To my surprise, I was prompted to join the church. But to go through the baptism, I was hesitant because, I didn’t know how to convince my husband, my parents, my siblings and all my friends. I was confused over my decision, I prayed fervently so, I could make the right move. One afternoon, before I could retire for my nap, I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking him if I needed to receive the baptism? Immediately after that, I laid on the couch for a nap. I had hardly closed my eyes and I had this marvellous dream. In my dream, I was drowning in the water and was struggling to come to the surface to get some air, standing with neck-deep water. I woke up immediately and sat, pondered about the dream.
I asked myself, “Why did I get such a dream?” Immediately, I got the answer that I need to be baptized with the right authority. I called up the missionaries and told them that I was ready for baptism. I called my husband for his permission; he didn't think twice to say yes and this helped me to receive my testimony. My conversion into the true Church of Jesus Christ was the best thing that I have ever had in my life. And as I was new to the Church, I saw and heard members bearing testimony and talking about their experience of attending the Institute class. This led me to do a small research about it and I kept wondering about the messages shared by the young single adults in our branch WhatsApp group. I was curious, and asked myself, “What makes these young people enjoy gospel learning?” As a result, I started to attend, study, share and enjoy. This continues to strengthen my spiritual life, along with the members who stand strong and faithful in the gospel of Jesus Christ.