Those were the most beautiful nine days of our lives. We never expected to be blessed with the feelings of eternal marriage so early. The joy of going to the temple dispelled all my fears of mortality. Previously, I walked alone each time I visited the temple, but this time, holding my husband’s and my brother’s hands as we walked towards the temple changed everything for me. It transformed the way I felt at the temple. No other joy can compare to the joy I experienced there.
Reading scriptures together and learning about temple covenants prepared us for a meaningful experience. We waited a long time to begin our journey towards eternity. On March 6, 2024, as we knelt at the altar, a sense of love enveloped us both. Although the prayer was in Thai, our hearts were attuned to the Spirit, allowing us to understand the promised blessings of the Lord as we kept our everlasting covenant of marriage. We realized what needed to be done and how to keep our covenants. Entering the temple and making those promises enabled us to leave behind worldly worries.
The prayers we offered together in the Lord’s house greatly strengthened us. We spent as much time as possible in the temple to make our sealing experience memorable for future generations. Seeing our ancestry and posterity reflected in the mirrors of the sealing room filled us with hope that we would one day see them and spend time with them. Immersed in temple work, we felt our ancestors cheering for their sealing and ordinances. We felt blessed and loved by the Lord, an inexpressible feeling. Renewing and pondering our covenants together brought us closer to each other.
I know that Heavenly Father loves us immensely, and His temples are living proofs on earth of His love. The temple is a piece of heaven on earth, a place one never wants to leave. After returning from the temple, we remember our covenants each week as we partake of the sacrament. No matter how busy we are, we never miss praying and reading scriptures together. We cherish our time at the temple and the memories we created there. Temples are a blessing in our lives. What more could we ask of God than to bless us with His holy houses to feel His love more strongly? When we put God first, despite what is happening in our lives, He arranges our lives in order even when we cannot do it ourselves. I bear witness that no one can love us like God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Of these things, I bear witness in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.