We grow up hearing the stories of Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles. The sermons, the miracles and finally, the ultimate sacrifice. To all Christians who live in the far corners of the world, these ancient apostles’ stories were larger than life. Their faith and deeds helped us become believers. Maureen Osaghae is just such an individual who grew up in Nigeria, in the continent of Africa, where she accepted the Gospel through her stepfather. She has developed great faith and love for the Lord and his Church. A faith strong enough to venture to a strange and faraway land in pursuit of a better life.

In 2017, she arrived in India, where she found things were different from what she expected. Although the challenges were great, her faith did not diminish. Instead, she used her talents and started a beauty salon. She attends the Dwarka ward near New Delhi, India. When she found out Elder Uchtdorf, an apostle of the Lord, would be coming to India, Maureen knew she must go to hear him and maybe get to shake his hand. To be instructed and learn at an apostle’s feet in her adopted country would be a rare treat for someone who has lived so far removed from these once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
She jumped at the chance to join the Young single Adult choir to perform at the Devotional in New Delhi for her beloved apostle. Elder Uchtdorf was so impressed by the choir that he decided to go down and thank the young men and women in person.
Miracles do happen. When asked about her reaction, she said, “Yes, I did shake his hand, and he taught us to love your neighbours”. To her, that meant “No matter what their conditions or skin colour, whether short or tall, fat or thin, we are all the same in the sight of Heavenly Father”.
For Maureen, life’s challenges do not stop. Her faith in Heavenly Father and the Saviour helps her stay strong and meet them head-on.