I was waiting for the year 2022 FSY conference very eagerly. I attended FSY 2018 for the first time, and those teachings greatly changed me. I started to build my foundation on God. When I heard FSY would happen in India again in 2022, I was so happy; I started to prepare and prayed to learn and apply what I have been learning. New friends, new counsellors, and a new place, it was all different. I love how all the youth were helping each other in sharing scriptures and understanding different languages. FSY has helped all of us to understand that the youth are essential to God and the marvellous works that he wants us to do. In this FSY, I learned a lot. I started to know myself more and feel Christ’s love for me. It helped me to trust, lean on, and love God more. FSY taught me to always keep trying. I know that God has in-stored many blessings for those simple things that I do. The experiences which I gained in FSY are marvellous. This was my last FSY as a participant, so I gave all my all heart in learning God's word.