Meeting Challenges

Nothing Is Impossible To The Lord By Vijo George, Gandhipuram Branch, Coimbatore India District
I PROMISE that our loving Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, are ALWAYS there for EACH and EVERY ONE of us!
The Lord’s work will go forth no matter what happens
Meeting with members, participating in the sacrament administered by the priesthood brethren, listening to God's words and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit is a joyful experience
I am grateful to my Lord that he chose my family at the right moment when I needed him the most.
Having a testimony of the Plan of Salvation gave me a sense of clarity whenever my faith wavered
Children are the best teachers in the world, and they have taught me the most valuable lessons for life
That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God
Remember, our journey accompanied with Gospel living will be worth it and accounted for
Believe! And God will be with you. Incline your heart to him – and he will guide you on your journey
I was able to reprogram my energies to focus on simple pleasures and then my home turned to be a place of magic
Among the many things we have learned in the Church, the one principle that stands firm in my heart is to be in the world but not of the world.