The church provides various opportunities for both, the youth and the adults, to enjoy learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 'Come Follow Me' is an excellent way to enhance our Gospel knowledge. The scripture reference, quotes, and insights shared in the manual help us to better understand the doctrine. This understanding is vital not only to the teacher but also to the participant. The preparation begins at home as it is the most important place where a soul is being nourished with the good word of God.
The youth sunday school in Coimbatore third branch stood unique as the presidency of the sunday school prepares, the digital invitation poster in different languages as the branch has youth members who speak Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu and Ghana. The presidency makes sure that every member who attends the class, are to be prepared and share their insights in the class to lift one another spiritually. The teacher designs the poster with great love and concern for the sheep entrusted to her by the Lord.
Youth in the branch are encouraged with the reading assignments ahead where they could prepare and enjoy the spirit of learning the Gospel. Each branch youth shares their insights and testimony in the branch WhatsApp group; this has blessed many to strengthen their testimonies on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sister. Ranjani Rajkumar says that , the young Joseph, the son of Jacob who was thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, betrayed and abandoned by his brothers, later saved his brothers in times of need. This knowledge about Joseph of Egypt has helped her understand that 'forgiving wholeheartedly, blesses the lives of both the giver and the receiver, and to be patient in troubled times.' Another youth Daksharegha Padbhanaban, shared, 'Those forgiving others with love will help us have the spirit's companionship always.' Denzil Rex, the calm and quiet youth of the branch, shared, 'good thing takes time to come in life but receiving it in the Lord's time will be a blessing. 'Putting God first in all our doings by obeying the commandments will place us in a greater place' was the thought by Kevin Rex. It is a joy to listen and read to this great understanding of the youth because of the loving and caring preparation of the teacher, Sister Saraswathy Rajendran.
The church gives resources and means for the soul to be nourished with the good word of God, and when this is done with utmost importance and care by the teacher and the participant, they help edify each other.