'Children are an heritage of the Lord. '1 He is inviting each one of us to become like little children to inherit His kingdom. I accepted the restored Gospel in the year 2001. The decision to be baptized in 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' was one of the best decisions by our family. After five months of my baptism, I was assigned to take a primary class, and I prepared the lesson with lots of fear and doubt. But the leaders taught me how to take care of the Lord's loving children, to help them know and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ both by words and by example. Sis. Sophie Prince, Sis Hema Gopal and Sis Allred were the primary leaders who taught me how I need to teach those innocent ones. I have been learning from several leaders throughout my journey, and I am eternally grateful for their example and love for the children.
In the beginning, I was hesitant to teach the children as I used to speak very fast, but the calling made me overcome my difficulty. Now it's been a blessing to be with the kids in church serving various callings within primary from 2001 until this day and also as a teacher by profession for the past 14 years. The Lord helped me turn my challenge into a blessing by providing the calling in primary as He knows my strength and weakness. The time I spent in the primary calling and school classes, activities, and camps gave me an opportunity to teach and learn plenty, and I always believe that a teacher is the first learner. The Lord helped me acquaint myself with the little ones where it helped me to identify my hidden talents and unknown potentiality, and now because of which, I am able to start my online academy with 50 students and be successful with the growing number of students.' We believe that the ultimate treasures on earth and in heaven are our children. '2 I firmly believe this to be true.
Children are special and unique in their way, and my calling in the primary for years helps me lead my children in the Lord's way. From the scriptures, we learn, 'Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.' 3 when we follow this, the promised blessings are for sure. Children are the best teachers in the world, and they have taught me the most valuable lessons for life to what I have taught them in church and at school. Indeed, callings in the church are a blessing to me.
1 Psalm 127:3
2 Elder M. Dallin. H. Oaks, 'The Great Plan of Happiness' October 1993 General Conference.
3 Proverbs 22:6