'Art for Heart’s Sake” was a primary festival for the little ones and of the little ones. Chennai District proudly presented a grand activity involving all five branches exhibiting all talents of the children in Art & Craft on May 29th, 2021. Assignments were given to the children to expressively share five things about the Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ. It was a recorded session for about an hour. Almost ninety people enjoyed the feast of eyes and hearts that knit together. The motive of this grand finale was primarily to bring all children together to use their talents for God.
Every week Primary classes were held online, and children participated actively. We, as Primary presidency, along with parents wanted to bring out the spiritual and temporal talents the children inherited. Lock downs did not limit us. Curfews did not cut down rather they hastened the Lord’s work among the children of men through our Primary children. There were little ones still who did not have access to online, they were given special attention through other modes of communication. “Come Follow Me” served as a great blessing. It helped children come closer to the Saviour. Primary leaders and parents learnt a great deal from it.
Fun activities, May month’s “Art for Heart’s Sake”, June’s Summer camp brought about so much influence on children for good. Virtual camp focused predominantly on Children and Youth programs involving physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects of life. We are grateful to all our Branch Primary leaders and Parents who helped tirelessly to bring to limelight, their children’s plethora of talents, giving all glory to God. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.